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How it works


ddumbfs do de-duplication at block level. Before to write a block of data, ddumbfs check if an identical block was already saved on the disk. It calculate the SHA1 or the TIGER hash of the block and search the index for it. If the hash is found, the reference to the already stored block is used, else the block is saved and the index updated.

Filesystem in Userspace

ddumbfs use FUSE because it was easy to write the first prototypes and it has proved to be reliable. The plan is to write a kernel module.

Underlying filesystem

ddumbfs use an underlying filesystem to handle the directory tree and filenames. Create a directory somewhere on your disk and ddumbfs will use it as the Parent directory to store its files and directory tree. You’r not supposed to access these files yourself, you must access them through the mounted filesystem or using the cpddumbfs utility when the filesystem is offline.

A file in the UFS (for short) is a list of the addresses and hashes of the blocks composing the file. The size of the file is stored at the beginning of the file in its 16bytes header.


ERRATUM: the header is 16bytes long and start with the 8bytes “DDUMBSFF”, then come the size in the remaining 8bytes.

You can access the UFS when the volume is offline or even online to make some simple tasks (this is not recommended, but I explain how it works here):

  • Create, remove or rename a directory.
  • Remove, rename or move a file inside the volume.
  • Copy a file inside the volume (not across another filesystem).
  • Create an empty file (using touch for example) .

DON’T copy files across filesystems ! Its content would be useless and could even disturb ddumbfs if accessed.

Here is the structure of the Parent directory and the first level of the root directory:

--- Parent
    |-- ddfs.cfg     the configuration file, with parameters of the filesystem
    |-- .autofsck    If present at mount time, the filesystem is fully checked
    |-- ddfsblocks   the Block file (default location)
    |-- ddfsidx      the Index file (default location)
    `-- ddfsroot     The root of the file system
        |-- .ddumbfs     The system directory to communicate with the program
        |    |-- stats          a read gets stats from the fs
        |    |-- stats0         a read gets stats and reset them
        |    `-- reclaim        a read reclaims free block in the volume
        |-- your files          where your files and directories live
        `-- your directories

The Block file

The block file is usually stored into the parent directory of the UFS as ddfsblocks, but it can be stored somewhere else or even use a block device to improve speed.

Blocks are stored in the blocks file in sequential order, next free block is used.

After file deletion, blocks must be reclaimed using the reclaim procedure, to make them available to store new data. A block can be relaimed only if it is not referenced by any files.

Block size are from 4k up to 128k by power of 2. The two first block are reserved.

The Index file

The Index file is in 3 parts:

  • The header, starting with magic string DDUMBFSI is 4K width.
  • The free block list. One bits per blocks in the block file.
  • The node table.

A node, links the hash of a block to its address inside the block file. The hash is usually a SHA1 (160bits = 20bytes) or a TIGER ( 192bits = 24bytes). The address size can vary depending the number of block inside the block file. Usually addresses are 3 or 4bytes long. The hash function uses the first bits of the hash multiplied by an overflow factor to lay out some free space and reduce collision. In case of collision hash are ordered using the usual binary order.

Because of the good balancing of the hash and of the overflow factor, a hash can be searched in only one read (99% of the time) and the index can be updated in only one write. Despite these IOs limited to the minimum, their are mostly random and would made a caching system crazy and useless if it cannot fit entirely in it or at least the biggest part ! ddumbfs try to lock the index in memory at startup to maximize the speed.

As you can see their is not reference counter, this is why ddumbfs is unable to free the space when block are deleted or modified. The reclaim procedure must be started when needed.

For example, if you use 128K blocks then the size of the index is about 390Mo per Tera byte of storage.

The files

User’s files are stored on the UFS as a list of nodes (hash and address). The hash is not required but allows to verify the file integrity and help a lot in the process of recovery. cpddumbfs can be used to test the integrity of one particular file. The address allows to read the block directly from the block file without the help of the index.

Reclaim free space

Removing files, doesn’t free blocks because ddumbfs don’t maintains a reference counter and blocks can be used by multiple files. To free blocks, you must run the reclaim procedure.

This procedure inspects all files to make a list of all used blocks. Block that are not used anymore are removed from the index and marked as free in the list of free blocks. This procedure is light fast and requires less than one minute (and maybe few seconds on fast system) per Tera bytes. The reclaim can be done when the filesystem is online and even when writing on it.

The reclaim procedure impact the file system performance as any other process would do when writing to the filesystem at the same time.

Filesystem Sizing

This paragraph is boring, if you don’t need it, skip it !

This calculation is done automatically by mkddumbfs at volume creation, but this can help you to understand how it works, and help when partitioning your disk.

The size you allocate to the filesystem is split into 3 parts:

  • The Blocks file, holding data blocks. The biggest part.
  • The Index file, holding indexes and other stuff to manage the filesystem.
  • The UFS, owning the directory tree and filenames.

Here is a sample to get you an idea about how to size the filesystem parts. I have a 300Go hard disk, in fact 300090728448 bytes and then only 279Go. I need to split this space in 3:

The blocks file

I’ll allocate 256Go for the Blocks file because this is a power of 2 (and easier for calculation).

The index

I want to use 64K blocks and an overflow factor of 1.3.

-256Go / 64K = 4M blocks. To address theses block I need 22bits (2^22=4M) and I can store these in 3bytes (24bits). -Then a node requires 23bytes = 20bytes (for the SHA1 hash) + 3bytes (for the block address). -The node index requires about 120Mb = 4M * 1.3 * 23b. -The free block list use 1bits per block and requires 512Kb = 4M / 8. -The index will need about 121Mb = 512Kb + 120Mb.

The Underlying filesystem

I want to backup my 50Go server and hope to keep up to 100 days of archives. Wbadmin generate about 20 files per backup, then the UFS must be able to hold about 2000 files.

Each file requires at least one inode (256bytes) and one block for the data (4Kb), say 5Kb to take care of the directory structure. Each block address need 3bytes and could be linked up to 100 times.

Files 2000 files * 5k 10Mo
Blocks 4M block * (3+20)bytes * 100 references 1.2Go
Total for the underlying filesystem 1.3Go